jayhdd-ila Jay、フルHD高解像度D-ILAプロジェクタを購入 (2005/05/16) 

JayはBuckinghamshireの邸宅にビクターのハイビジョン解像度プロジェクタ、DLA-HD2Kを中心としたホームシネマセットを設置した(写真)。セッティングはジャミロクワイのサウンドエンジニアであるRick Popeが行ったようだ。ちなみにこのプロジェクタは日本でも発売されており、価格は実売で200万円程度。イギリスのビクターのサイトでJayのコメントが公開されている。 以下訳まだです

"After filming my new video clip, "Feels Just Like it Should", I can watch it in The Cinema using the best technology and best format possible. The image quality and feel of the image projected from the JVC HD2K projector is stunning. As you can imagine, when any of my musician friends visit, there is an immediate cinema festival – playing the many wondrous games, internet surfing and watching videos. The true testimonial to the attractiveness of any home cinema happened when my non-musical friends stopped by. With all that amazing picture quality and content at their fingertips, they always gravitate to the ultra-cool home cinema system. I also use the system to chill out and relax when I am not touring or recording. In my house, this is where a true home cinema experience happens. It's my favourite room in the house!"

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