

 ファンキーなダンスチューン、Canned Heat、Supersonic、テンポが良くついついリズムを取ってしまうWhere Do We Go From Here?などのあいまにしっとりと歌い上げるFallingやButterflyが入る。

 BassのStuartが抜け、Nickが急遽加入し録音を最初からやり直した(アルバムに入る予定だった曲sample1 sample2)という今回のアルバムはファンの間でも評価が分かれる。King For A Dayは抜けたStuartへの曲?


track time single promo other version (official released remix, live, etc...) PV
Canned Heat 5:31 o o 7" Edit
Futureshock Dub
Futureshock Edit
Futureshock Remix - Longer
Futureshock Remix - Shorter
MAW "Acapella" Mix
MAW Remix - Longer
MAW Remix - Shorter
Radio Edit
Shanks & Bigfoot - Extended Master Mix
Planet Home 4:44     Early Fade
Trabant Brothers Inc. Remix
Black Capricorn Day 5:41 o o Early Fade
Live At Woodstock '99
Radio Edit
White Nights Remix
Soul Education 4:15   o Early Fade
Extended Version
Radio Edit
Falling 3:45        
Destitute Illusions 5:40        
Supersonic 5:15 o o Desert Eagles Discs Mix
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - Ace Klub Mix
Harvey's Fuel Altered Mix
Pete Heller - The Love Dub
Pete Heller - The Love Mix
Radio Edit
Restless Soul Digi Beats
Restless Soul Main Vocal Mix - Longer
Restless Soul Main Vocal Mix - Shorter
Sharp Boys Acapella
Sharp Razor Remix - Longer
Sharp Razor Remix - Shorter
Butterfly 4:28        
Where Do We Go From Here? 5:11        
King For A Day 3:39 o o Early Fade o
Getinfunky 5:35        


Everybody's Going To The Moon
I'm In The Mood For Love (with Jools Holland And His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra)
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing